Do You Have Spiritual Friends?

The Joy and Nourishment That Comes from Fellowship on the Path

Please join us at 8 pm ET | 5 pm PT

on April 24 for this special free online event

Please join us at 8 pm ET | 5 pm PT on April 24 for this special free online event

The Power of Awareness—already taken by tens of thousands of people— is an online mindfulness training to transform your life with awareness, compassion, and well-being. Taught by Devin Berry, Tara Brach, Jack Kornfield, and Konda Mason, this learning experience provides you with the tools and training you need to develop and sustain a daily awareness practice using mindfulness meditation.

During more than 21 hours of teaching, you’ll receive practical tips and training on how to:

  • Break free from negative thoughts
  • Achieve inner balance and peace
  • Live more fully and with a joy that’s not based on conditions
  • Connect more authentically with those around you
  • Dramatically shift how you experience life
It can be hard to practice mindfulness on your own. In weekly Mindful Friends Groups with Cloud Sangha you can find true fellowship as you deepen your meditation practice.
These groups are designed to help you apply mindfulness in a practical way as you navigate daily life – with topics from relationships, to parenting, to stress and anxiety. Meditate, learn, and build community with the help of an excellent guide.
You can now get a free taste of Mindful Friends Groups, in a Free Open House session. To save your spot or get on the list for future open houses, RSVP here.